Miss Gorgeous Georgina Wilson

Hello Miss "sana akin ka na lang" gorgeousness personified Georgina Wilson!!! She's that hot A-list model / Channel V VJ / ex-gf babe whose "eye and loin catching" billboards along EDSA gets more and more "unwanted erection" victims inside the MRT train everyday. Oh, did I forget to mention "erection related car accidents" too?

Now, for everybody's pleasure, here are her boatloads of pics stolen from across the internet. Enjoy her semi-naked rouge pics as well as tons of beauty pics, mostly facials, so you get the name Georgina and that pretty face I'd like to cumm on every fucking day deeply in-grained in your heads. All after the jump.

Georgina Wilson Pics

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1 comments for this post


such a lovely face and head turning sex appeal.... two thumbs up..!

Posted on 2/24/12, 4:36 PM  

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What do you think about her? Cum show some lovin'. Drop us a line or two and let's call it a day.