Before, the cosplays that I know were really just adult type, or should I say sexual cosplays. But after seeing the photos about the not sexual cosplayer/model girls, my perspective about cosplays has changed. I never thought they could be this good without sex involve.

Some of the girls here are hot and some are just cute; but if you closely look at them, you could see how detailed and creative their dress are. I don't know how much money they spent or what inspiration they've used to create these kinds of dresses. What's most common but striking about them is that they all look good and spectacular in their outfit.

I think I will start searching, waiting and do some listing on where and when these cosplay events will occur so I could see them first hand and personally.


Cosplay (コスプレ, kosupure?), short for "costume play", is a Japanese subculture centered on dressing as characters from manga, anime, tokusatsu, and video games, and, less commonly, Japanese live action television shows, fantasy movies, Japanese pop music bands, Visual Kei, fantasy music stories (such as stories by the band Sound Horizon), novels, and anything in the real world being unique and dramatic (or their moe anthropomorphic form). However, in some circles, "cosplay" has been expanded to mean simply wearing a costume.

The most specific anecdote about the origin of the word "cosplay" was that Nov Takahashi (from a Japanese studio called Studio Hard) coined the term "cosplay" as a contraction of the English-language words "costume play" while attending the 1984 Los Angeles Science Fiction Worldcon. He was so impressed by the hall and masquerade costuming there that he reported about it frequently in Japanese science fiction magazines. This point is debatable, however, as the word fits in with a common Japanese method of abbreviation: combining the first two moras of each word. Both "cos" and "play" are long syllables, counting for two moras each.

Costume Play; it's equivalent to the Western fan term Masquerade. In Japan cosplay covers pretty much the spread that convention masquerades in the West cover, from SF to fantasy, from medieval to military uniforms. It's basically a time for fans to dress up in their favourite garb or as their favourite character and have a bit of fun. There is a condition though; most fans insist that you not only play the character in dress, you also play the character's nature. In other words, whilst you're in costume, you must be the character, in thoughts, words and action.

Western cosplay has a slightly different meaning. In the US and in Europe cosplay is solely restricted to the costuming of Japanese characters, from anime, manga and gaming. The term is used by anime fans to distinguish it from other types of masquerade, much in the way that the word otaku is used by anime fans to describe themselves, whilst in Japan it covers all kind of obsessive fandom.

In addition, Western cosplayers aren't required to act their characters, at least not to the degree their Japanese cousins do. It's enough to dress up, or to go on stage and do a humourous skit. In this way cosplay masquerades are much like other Western masquerades. There is a movement though, coming from the US East Coast cons, that promotes the idea that convention masquerades should closely match the codes of conduct fostered by Japanese cosplay masquerades. Whether this thought prevails will be due to the conventions and the costumers- it will be interesting to see what happens over the next few years.


Cosplay can be seen at public events such as video game shows, as well as at dedicated cosplay parties at nightclubs or amusement parks. It is not unusual for Japanese teenagers to gather with like-minded friends in places like Tokyo's Harajuku district to engage in cosplay. Since 1998, Tokyo's Akihabara district has contained a large number of cosplay cafés, catering to devoted anime and cosplay fans. The waitresses at such cafés dress as game or anime characters; maid (or meido) costumes are particularly popular.

Possibly the single largest and most famous event attended by cosplayers is the semiannual doujinshi market, Comiket. This event, held in summer and winter, attracts hundreds of thousands of manga otaku and many thousands of cosplayers who congregate on the roof of the exhibition center, often in unbearably hot or cold conditions.

Cosplayers in Japan refer to themselves as reyazu (レヤズ, reyazu?) ; pronounced layers (by writing the word cosplayers in katakana, コスプレヤズ, it is possible to shorten it in this way). Those who photograph players are called cameko, short for "Camera Kozo" or "Camera Boy". The cameko give prints of their photos to the players as gifts. Tensions between players and cameko have increased due to perceived stalker-like behavior among some obsessive males who push female cosplayers to exchange personal email addresses or do private photo sessions. One result of this has been a tightening of restrictions on photography at events such as Comiket.

While Cosplay arguably originated in Japan, one should not be confused with the idea that Cosplay is considered typical behavior in Japan. While some do attend Cosplay functions that are held in districts such as Akihabara, most Japanese people find Cosplay to be rather silly [2]. In addition, because Cosplay in Japan has adapted such a negative sexual connotation, many Japanese have come to feel that Cosplay is reprehensible. In addition, North Americans who Cosplay typically refer to themselves as "otaku", which is essentially the Japanese word for "geek", and use this word in an attempt to embody themselves in a sociological group of which they can be proud. To contrast, in Japan actual "otaku" refuse to admit that they are otaku, because the word suggests a group of people who are engaging in an activity that may seem "just a little different". In fact, being an otaku in Japan entails standing on one of the bottom rungs of the Japanese social ladder.

If you want to see more beautiful cosplay girls you can visit:


5 comments for this post

Hi. Is the Japanese animated cartoon good?
Your site is interesting for me
I want to often visit your site from now on.
If you are interested in Anime, please link to my site.
My site has information about Japanese culture
(For example, Japanese manga, animation, games, Cosplay, Japanese foods).
Would you introduce my site in your site if you like it?

Posted on 5/19/08, 9:29 AM  

Wow! that first pic of the girl.. She's cute!

Posted on 7/9/08, 12:57 PM  

Some of the cosplay chicks are hot. And they all have a great slut appeal, dressing up like that.

Posted on 8/24/08, 12:44 PM  

this is the best cosplay collection I have ever seen...

Posted on 10/3/08, 9:25 AM  

All I got 2 say is DAMN THATS HOT!!!! sizzle!!! I wish I had a gf like that, they need to holla at me,,,if u that hot holla at for a hot lil azn boi but if u just ewwwwwwww then dont bother kk

Posted on 11/11/08, 2:18 AM  

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What do you think about her? Cum show some lovin'. Drop us a line or two and let's call it a day.